I’m a main Support, I’ve peaked Master on split 1 with it, but had to roleswap to jungle until I hit D4 because the role is simply unplayable in lower elos.

From what I’ve gathered, I think I’m one of the only few people to have actually reach Master without roleswapping from Support, every streamer who main Supp I know of roleswapped at some point (ex: Trayton went mid with Ahri, Keria went mid/adc as well, etc).

The role has 0 agency over the game and will always be reliant on matchmaking (whereas you can 1v9 games if you play any other role if you’re good and fed enough). Therefore, every game is just a coinflip on wether your team will be decent or not, factually.

Anyone else feel the same way?

  • PeekaysB
    1 year ago

    How can you not enjoy support lol any other laner can pick support, turn their brain off and sit back and relax