I’ve had a fair share of mediocre and disappointing games and usually they followed the same pattern of buzz on the internet, they either don’t get talked as much or they aren’t discussed that much at all outside of their respective communities. I’m currently in my first playthrough of Starfield and personally i found it quite solid. It might not be skyrim, but from what i see, combined with my experience and internet reception, it sure as hell isn’t mediocre nor bad even. It’s not the first iteration of CP2077 before phantom liberty where people are so disappointed that they didn’t even bother playing the game, that it took cdprojekt red an anime and a huge dlc to save their rep to finally make people realize that the game is actually fun even if it didn’t came out how the people wanted it to be. It’s certainly not watchdogs legion where people are kind of hyped of the premised but when it first came out nobody even talks about the game, it just sits there unannounced with poor reception. It’s not outer worlds where people were talking about how this is the fallout killer but when the game just releases, poof! nobody is talking about it.

So either Im looking at the wrong place for Starfield’s reception or Starfield actually managed to achieve something that makes people come back and discuss about this game. Not only that, it has 10 million on its first opening sales. So what do you guys think?

  • macaronicheezyB
    1 年前

    I wanted to love Starfield, but it failed to grab me at every turn. The exploration is the least rewarding of any Bethesda RPG I’ve experienced and after maybe 25-30hrs, I realised I was only playing out of a sense of obligation. There are too many options out there for me to waste my time trying to force myself to like a game. I only hope Elder Scrolls VI doesn’t fall so flat.