I seen on this sub that alot of people aren’t super happy with Mark’s apparent power up and him doing so well against Thula which is fair. However, everyone is say that he gained a boost in Strength, Speed and Durability, which I don’t think is the case. It not like Mark caved her skull in like what Nolan did to her jaw with a single punch, it not like Mark speedblitz her, it not like every attack that landed had no effect. No it more like combat skill kicked in, you may thing that not any better that Mark get an increase in his combat capabilities. However, we have to remember the pace of the show compared to the story. Show Mark has battled more enemies, saved more people and gain more experience EARLIER and in a higher quantity than Comic Mark. Show Mark didn’t take hit, or give hit better Comic Mark, he didn’t move faster as we still see him lagging behind his dad but he did fight better, he dodged attack better, he used his environment better he landed hits better that the difference.

However if you still didn’t like the fight here my second take, but it a bit more like be happy with what you got. Mark only had a better fight in two scenes he had that lock in moment before the brawl and he had that scene where she was “defeat” and he could have landed a “finishing blow”. Two scene, that it. Though to be fair I’m disappointed two scenes are missing from the comics. The scene where Nolan bonk two Viltrumites and tells them them their dead and the other one being when Mark tries to run from Lucan. So I get it. However it could have been worse alot worse.

  • North_Woodpecker_560B
    10 months ago

    It was just kind of weird that he so abruptly got the upper-hand against a skilled full-blooded Viltrumite with hundreds, if not thousands, of years of more experience than him. Thula wasn’t holding back (or at least not by much), so why is it that Mark started winning as soon as he stopped doing so?