I currently live in South Africa and well, I want a plan for a place to move to in the next 5 years max. The problem is i can’t decide where to go and as much as I love Australia, it feels too far from the time zones where all my people are.

So I have decided that Europe/UK would be perfect but can’t find a perfect fit. I have a UK passport

I am looking for:

  • mild weather. Not too bothered to be honest but not looking for a snow 8 months of the year or rain 8 months of the year. Ideally i just want a place that gets some sunlight, some rain, some cold and some hot days
  • low level or low acknowledgment of corruption. I want my taxes to do something -low crime rate
  • good work life balance with a decent opportunity for living. Currently working at a Big 4 consultancy so hoping I can have a nice enough lifestyle but not be working 24/7

I really like places like Netherlands, Scotland, Germany but have found various flaws. I also really like the Mediterranean

I don’t really like the UK but prefer something like Scotland. They just apparently get less sun than I’d like

  • TumblrForNerdsOPB
    10 months ago

    Thank you, I really appreciate the help. By not mild I assume you mean it’s quite cloudy? Also I had been looking at cologne Germany as a potential option as well so will look there and see