The Nets can become a legitimate contender within the next 12 months through some simple and realistic moves:

  1. Trading Claxton+ Finney-Smith to the Grizzlies for Aldama, Steven Adams and 3 picks including a 2024 1st at the deadline

  2. With the 2024 pick from the grizzlies (which will probably be from 15-22) draft Bronny James

  3. Sign Lebron James to the minimum. Lebron has stated repeatedly that he wants to play with Bronny before he retires. Lebron is still playing at an all-nba level.

  4. Trade Cam Thomas+ expiring Ben Simmons + 4 firsts for Donovan Mitchell. Mitchell has 1 year left on his deal. The Cavs objectively so far have looked a lot better without Mitchell and the timelines don’t match for them. Mitchell has reiterated his interest in playing in NY

Starting lineup: Lebron/Mitchell/Bridges/Johnson/Adams Bench: DSJ/Walker/O’Neal/Aldama/Sharpe

THIS is 100% a contender next year and likely the greatest chance the Nets have to becoming one in the next decade.

  • latmanB
    10 months ago

    Bron looks better this season than he has in 2 years