So more or less we know which players goes to where so I wanted to make a list since we know now which team Morgan decide to win the LCK, MSI and The Worlds Championship with.

Top Lane

  1. OK BRO Morgan
  2. Irrelevant
  3. No one cares
  4. Some joker
  5. Irrelevant


  1. OK BRO Morgan(if he choose to play Jungle)
  2. OK BRO Gideon
  3. No one cares
  4. Some nobody
  5. Irrelevant


  1. OK BRO Morgan(if he choose to play Mid)
  2. OK BRO Karis
  3. Some garbage
  4. LOL don’t get me started
  5. Irrelevant


  1. OK BRO Morgan(if he choose to play ADC)
  2. OK BRO Envyy
  3. Imaqtpie
  4. Irrelevant
  5. Irrelevant


  1. OK BRO Morgan(if he choose to play Support)
  2. OK BRO Pending Support
  3. Beryl
  4. Some loser
  5. Irrelevant

Top 5 Teams

  1. OK BRO(obviously)
  2. NRG
  3. Who cares
  4. Delta Fox
  5. Irrelevant

So this is my list. I think it’s pretty solid. But let me know what you think.

  • Moggy_B
    1 year ago

    The irrelevant joke is the best part