I was pretty active on Head-Fi at the time and snatched up this deal when someone posted it. I think the HD800 was still $1500 at the time.

Though that is probably not even my greatest “steal”, which could be loosely seen at actually stealing. I bought the Fostex TH-900 from a relatively new online vendor, and they accidentally sent me 2 of them. I checked and legally in the US when a merchant sends you something you didn’t order, you aren’t required to send it back. I held onto it for a bit and that company never contacted me about it and I sold it new in box for $900. I guess they were too disorganized to notice.

I’m not all entirely lucky or wise with money. I bought the Hifiman Edition X on release for $1400 and similar tier headphones like Edition XS are less than $500 now. But I still like them enough for it to be a permanent part of my collection.

  • dishinpiesB
    10 months ago

    Got a pair of Arya V2s for that price about a year ago. Far, far more impressive at that time than now 😔

    Got the Schiit Bifrost 2, Valhalla 2, and Jotunheim 1 w/ DAC in a bundle.for $850 (~$961 after tax and shipping).

    Got the Blue Ella headphones for ~$260 about a year ago, retail was $700 in 2017.

    Hard to get great deals in headphones, in my experience. Far better deals are to be had in stereo.