I have a service created to run rtl_433 on a pi with an sdr dongle attached for sensor capture (door/window sensors, weather station, room temp sensors, etc):

pi@pi4b8:/etc/systemd/system $ cat rtl_433.service 
# based on https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/issues/1651
Description=RTL_433 service script
After=syslog.target network.target

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rtl_433 -C si -F mqtt

# Restart script if stopped
# Wait 30s before restart

# Tag things in the log
# View with: sudo journalctl -f -u rtl_433 -o cat



There’s something that sets rtl_433 to freak out and just hammer the /var/log/syslog and daemon.log files until the drive is 100% full thanks to repeating lines of this:

pi@pi4b8:/var/log $ tail syslog -n 1000
Nov 24 21:50:30 pi4b8 rtl_433[549]: LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM: Invalid parameter!
Nov 24 21:50:30 pi4b8 rtl_433[549]: Check your RTL-SDR dongle, USB cables, and power supply.
Nov 24 21:50:30 pi4b8 rtl_433[549]: LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM: Invalid parameter!
Nov 24 21:50:30 pi4b8 rtl_433[549]: Check your RTL-SDR dongle, USB cables, and power supply.
Nov 24 21:50:30 pi4b8 rtl_433[549]: LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM: Invalid parameter!
Nov 24 21:50:30 pi4b8 rtl_433[549]: Check your RTL-SDR dongle, USB cables, and power supply.
Nov 24 21:50:30 pi4b8 rtl_433[549]: LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM: Invalid parameter!
Nov 24 21:50:30 pi4b8 rtl_433[549]: Check your RTL-SDR dongle, USB cables, and power supply.
Nov 24 21:50:30 pi4b8 rtl_433[549]: LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM: Invalid parameter!
Nov 24 21:50:30 pi4b8 rtl_433[549]: Check your RTL-SDR dongle, USB cables, and power supply.

I need to get some sort of error checking that will either restart the service, or kill it when one of those lines hit the syslog. Is that something I can roll into the service, or do I need to do some sort of cronjob or second service that checks every couple seconds and restart/stops the service?

Normally, it works fine (months between restarts and never an issue). This server also hosts my primary pihole dns. When rtl_433.service ends up filling the disk, it ultimately results in /var/lib/unbound/root.key being blank, prohibiting unbound from starting after I clear the bloated logs and reboot. I have a secondary pihole/unbound to copy the key back from, but without some alert, I don’t discover this condition until dns stops working.

  • @mlfh@lemmy.ml
    18 months ago

    Monit would be perfect for this. You can configure it to monitor log files and restart things under various conditions, and it’s got nice alerting built in.

    I run a librespot server at home, but it has an issue where it can’t be discovered by others once someone has connected to it. I use monit to monitor its log file for a specific line that shows playback has been paused, and then restart it, which makes it discoverable again.

