I’ll list a few:

  1. 90% of complaining about games comes from 5% of the player base.

  2. I don’t give a shit about MTX. I’ve played OW2 since launch without buying anything beyond the season passes and am enjoying it.

  3. Soulslike gameplay is making the industry unbelievably homogenous in game play. I have played every FromSoft title so maybe I’m burned out, but games are all becoming the exact same. Press circle to dodge!

  4. Elden Ring was a pretty good game, but like not great. but from a narrative and visual standpoint felt generations behind. The graphics are frankly shithouse.

  5. Review culture is now no longer about the quality of the game, but more about flagging your allegiance to a game title. The Starfield review saga where the one honest review thag gave it a 7/10 was treated like gaming terrorism, only for the game to be a 7 at best. There is no point caring about publication reviews, they are bought.