So i’ve been playing this shitty game for a while now, and no matter how much i play jungle i can’t carry. I get my laners ahead nope, so my friends tell to “just play jarvan or master yi or something”. STILL nope. cuz while im farming my ENTIRE team somehow goes 0/4 before lvl 6. LEGIT just got out of a game where before i was even doing redside clear, a morde somehow ended up lvl 4 and 0/4 with an illaoi that was 4/0 and lvl 6, and HE KEPT FIGHTING. NO GANKS, UNPROVOKED, JUST KEPT INTING, THINKING THAT HE WAS GOING TO WIN THE NEXT FIGHT. im legit at my breaking point, please for the love of god someone shoot me. No matter how many leads i get my lanes, they eventually get overconfident AND THEY THROW HARDER THAN FKING ZEUS, THEY GIVE BOUNTIES, KEEP TRYING TO 1v5 WITH CHAMPIONS THAT CANT.

so basically i need tips or advice. Im tired of constantly not being able to carry because of how STUPID some laners are. AND THIS IS SILVER, its a complete SHITSHOW of a rank, Im not saying i play perfect every game, because i dont. But in like, the 3 percent of my games where i manage to get leads for my laners before they have the chance to int , they still throw those leads straight into the gutter.

TLDR i need some advice, and a therapist

  • LadenTrackLOLOPB
    1 年前

    how ironic, just finished a game with a botlane that didnt know what XAYAH feathers did, and xayah got to 23/6