I‘ve started wondering as to what scores are considered „normal“ i have 8k mmr on the europe server atm and my behaviour is swinging between 9-9.5 up and down, very correlated to wether i get 60+% win or loss in past 20 games is this just the normal stereotype? reports for losses, commends for wins? are there any limitations to the reporting party? Funniest moment was when i had a once a year winstreak of 18-2 games and gained that smurf warn notification on the top right corner, since i have more than 20k hours i couldnt care less for that nonsense and it just went away again. i do periodically share my comp with visiting friends / relatives and they sometimes do play dota, but in way different brackets, without a warn like that ever occurring, steam sup reaffirmed me that i have nothing to suspect and this is just due to stacking reports xd spamming spectre and necro really gets to some people hehe

tl;dr is 12k behaviour basicly gated for me?

  • XenSideB
    10 months ago

    I’d agree if after the behaviour update they gave everybody that was at 10K the extra 2k

    I came back to Dota after a long break, I was 10K behaviour previously, I got 10K/12K, I am still to this day climbing behaviour score, it takes A WHILE and not being and the top-most part obviously also means more toxicity

    Now, do I think you can go lower than 10K without being toxic? HELL NAH