Title. “Mains and one-tricks can’t balance.” Not here for the debate because it’s true and it’s not.
Interested to know what your rational champion changes would be. No numbers. No crazy adjustments or kit revamps. Just reasonable changes or removal of artifacts of outdated design elements.
I’ll start. Remove the cast time on Lux shield/W. Currently Lux has .25 cast on her shield, or simply a stutter step that stops her for a split second to “cast” shield. To me this is clearly just a clunky old animation that has been touted as a balance issue. It’s counterintuitive as most players, even Lux mains are unaware that casting shield is often not worth it if you’re being chased because you stop all momentum and understanding how movement works, stopping in place or trying to dodge after standing still is slower than if you are already in motion - thus casting shield could be that death sentence or make you just out of reach of a skill shot if you’re giving chase.
What are some of yours?
Season 14 changes are huge step in the right direction. Only problem is that every item in the game needs less damage. All the interactions, all the ideas are cool but everyone is getting 1 shot again.