The ones we have are so boring. The black jerseys have nothing interesting going on. The all blacks are so bland and uninspiring. They actually don’t look that bad when paired with the gold pants but we never fuckin wear them. I feel like some variation of these jerseys would be a major improvement over what we have.

  • kgaviationB
    1 年前

    The Saints have been using a pale shade of “gold” for years now. Pretty much since the 80’s and 90’s. Even the pre-Nike “gold” was quite pale, it was just shiny. The only time we ever truly wore a rich, deep gold was our early years in the 60’s, 70’s, and early 80’s. Gayle has nothing to do with it. It’s just the color we’ve worn for years now. But I agree, we need to bring back the Color Rush gold.