Hey guys,

Where do you think the previous generation of Dota talent is now? People like bone7, pieliedie, ee and even casters like LD, Godz, Drax(?) and any others that you can think of.

Do they still stream? Have they got lives and families that take precedent over Dota? Are they just finished with the scene and retired?

  • Godisme2B
    10 months ago

    He’s a lot better now that he doesn’t solely stream dota. He always thanks his subs now unless he’s concentrating on a team fight or something but usually remembers to go back afterwards and say thanks. He stopped enjoying dota for a while which made him miserable so he eventually decided to take the revenue loss and stream other things to his loyal subs. When he does stream dota now, he doesn’t get the viewer count he used to but he’s nowhere near as toxic as he was.