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  • 09-24-11B
    10 months ago

    Something I don’t see talked about enough: Mike LaFleur

    It’s well known by now Saleh coaches one side of the ball. He brought over his own OC with him. While MLF has his own flaws, he did see success with Flacco and White under center but not Zach. A head needed to role last year (likely Woody mandate) and MLF was chosen. Later it came out that MLF “wasn’t nice/supportive” to Zach (paraphrase). Hence the confidence talk. Enter Hackett. Hackett was hired as an experienced OC although had his known flaws. Does anyone else remember who else was available as OC? It feels like an empty hiring cycle. Anyway, Rodgers goes down and Zach continues to not do well under Hackett.

    What’s the alternative universe where MLF is still here? Do we see personnel changes? Do we see more creative offense? Do we see a Zach benching earlier? Remember, it was Hackett who pulled Zach, per Saleh.

    I’m not saying the season is saved or anything but these domino effects are hard to ignore.

    • Original-Challenge12B
      10 months ago

      No NFL OC could be successful with Zach at QB. We ran MiLF out of town and then let Aaron Rodgers play GM and here we are again.