• @AHrubikB
    17 months ago

    Buy a desktop/Mac Studio. That’s literally what they’re for. Want or need to work remote? Use an iPad to remote into your desktop for performance. These days the only reason to buy a workstation laptop is if you need performance remotely somewhere that doesn’t have good internet or you’re mobile 75% of the time.

          • @gngstrMNKYB
            17 months ago

            It can be pretty clumsy on Windows but I’ve found that Apple’s server/client works pretty well, at least over a LAN. Not sure what the iPad client situation is like.

            • @00DEADBEEFB
              17 months ago

              It’s clumsy over a LAN, nevermind the Internet. Apple’s VNC is not a patch on something like Microsoft’s RDP. It’s a poor solution, and depends on you having a good connection at the remote end. And you’ll also be using a tiny iPad screen. If you buy an iPad Pro and Magic folio and a Mac Studio then you’ve probably spent as much as a MacBook Pro.

              • @aleutsB
                17 months ago

                exactly. Chromes Remote Desktop is the best solution ive found that’s not paid and it’s still got nothing on Microsofts RDP. im convinced they haven’t actually done any real work on it. just get a MacBook Pro as you said and call it a day

            • @DarthPneumonoB
              17 months ago

              Though fair warning the client (and server for that matter) are a bit janky by end-user standards.

    • @BytchYouThoughtB
      17 months ago

      IPad will never be a full replacement for a workstation and remoting is definitely more finnicky and often laggy with a ton of security risks you have to worry about than just having a laptop. Not to mention literally everything is better and more capable on the laptop. The screen is gonna suck on the iPad for work being so damn small and you don’t have anywhere near the same feature set.

      If you travel especially it’s better to have a dedicated laptop as well since you don’t have to worry about internet at all for many tasks and can actually use it on the move including planes. Everything including the actual OS is better for mobile use. Only exception is maybe drawing, but 95% of folks don’t really do that for a living. I agree with looking into a desktop machine in general if you aren’t traveling though.