Translating from the brazilian “Ilhas das Lendas” twitter down below^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

"Understand the case involving paiN IGNIS and the Girl Gamer Festival championship.

Yesterday, around 10pm, paiN’s inclusive line competed in the Girl Gamer final, which would give a chance to play in the international championship in Mexico.

The final was decided in a kind of BO4, with one game on each server (BR and LAS).

If the team won the first two matches, they would be champions. If there was a tie (1 to 1), two more games would be played (again, one on each server).

In the first 2 games, each team had a win, which led to 2 more games being played. Again, each team won one game.

With the tie at 2-2, other tiebreaker criteria were considered, the first of which was the difference in time to finish the games.

Considering the entire series, paiN IGNIS had the shortest winning time to complete the games. However, the championship organization only considered the time of the last two games played.

The problem is that the regulations, according to those involved, did not make it clear that only the last two games would be considered for the tiebreaker criteria.

Thus, 2 hours after the end of the series, the championship organization gave the final decision of defeat to paiN Gaming

Unfortunately, due to the lack of clarity in the chosen criteria, we had all this confusion and great frustration. It was a chance to have a Brazilian representative competing in an international championship in an inclusive scenario

What did you think of these rules? Should the time criterion be considered for all games in the series?"

It’s pretty ridicolous to have an BO4 final in any serious championship, and then make arbitrary rules of who wins, not based on all games, but only the last 2 games. The lol inclusive scene has been increasing in the last years, and to have such a bad management for an championship is a big step back.

  • JamiedawkinsB
    10 months ago

    So you had a tournament organised by some random and expect people to care about it because… women?

    • williamis3B
      10 months ago

      What’s the problem? Pain gaming is an official org?

      • JamiedawkinsB
        10 months ago

        The rules were also in place, idk why it took 2 hours but if they were breaking ties there’s gonna be a pre determined way to do it. Seems like outrage for outrage sake