Hey, I just want to share my experience with you and Im curious if others got the same issues.
I play like 10-20 games a week since release. Im playing 3,5k mmr. Today I got reported by 4 players for simply loosing mid to a Booster and received a 4 hours penalty for no reason.
The Booster even got his twitch name “twitch.tv/insaneexdoto” in his steam name history. His twitch channel is pretty easy to read: “✅6000mmr booster player | 1500+ Tinker games |1000+ Kunkka games | 800+ Meepo games | 400+ ArcWarden games”
How does the report system work and what can I do to avoid this? I did not do anything wrong, he played lonedruid mid and ran me down mid and took mid racks in 15 minutes.
Why does valve not react?

  • Terrible_Scientist60B
    1 year ago

    Same here brother. I am 5.3k MMR. I “role queued” all roles yesterday 4 games in a row. Got mid every single one. I played Zeus, Clinkz, Qop, Puck - So pretty normal mid heroes, nothing too wild.

    I do okay in all of my games during laning… I “middle won” on dotabuff in 3 games, drew one.

    Well, in all 4 games my sides lanes got ROASTED. In each game the score is like 3-18 at 10 minutes. I try to gank side lanes, but enemies are so farmed, and always under their tower.

    I finished each game positive KDA, while the games ended at like 30 mins tops, because people are raging so hard from losing their sidelanes.

    Apparently “ez mid” is always the go to now, even if you’re 0-7 at 6 mins. Well I got 4 hour penalty + 1 LPQ game apparently?? I never ALL chat, and only ever ping/type objectives.

    There is a massive problem with the system right now.