I did play the game fairly a lot last season but i never had any noticeable “Good” games, i mostly do mediocre or pull the team down. I’m aware of some of my problems when it comes to fighting and overall map awareness. I play with my friends who are a large sum above me in levels (they are about 530, i’m only 120).

  • PamDevilB
    10 months ago

    the best way to improve in league of legends is VOD review.

    Stop spamming games, take a break and WATCH YOUR OWN GAMES. If improving is what you really want, stop spamming games and focus on your own mistakes, study the game, and THEN you go in and play.

    It’s more fun to just spam games and hope for the best? yeah it is. But this way you either will never improve, or will take you forever to get good, or you need to be born with talent for the game so you can get high elo just because your reflexes and mechanics are naturally better than the average player base.

    That’s the biggest mistake new and veteran players do and so they get frustrated, they never stop and go watch their own games and study where they did something wrong and how to improve. They just qeue up for the next game and fuck it all.