its such a bummer to witness when it happens. A succesfull new skinline gets new version, only for them to end up feeling like an ovbious milking for cash.

it’s happened pretty badly with dawnbringer and nightbringer, all the champpion skins lack personality

astronaut skinline looks like copies of eachother

bewitching skins are all just women in similar witch outfits, similar pointy hats that all have an eye (seriously its like they made that eye hat once and just never bothered to desing a different hat) (ovbious exeptions are batnivia and bewitching neeko) that are all just carbon copies of eachother.

cosmic skins are just space nonsense

odussey karma, sivir, aatrox, twisted fate and kha’zix are all whatever, because they didn’t come with an animation and/or game mode to introduce them as a part of the universe so they all lack the charm of the first odyssey skins (same applies to starguardian skins, but those at least had some animations)

exeptions exist of course and its a free game so of course selling skins is a big part of it, but…come on!