I can’t help myself to think that nowadays, products UX/UI level is so high, that even for B2B products, people have expectations.

I would certainly not use a product that looks and feels crappy even if it solves my needs.

I could possibly don’t see how it solves my needs if it does it in a crappy way too.

What are your thoughts?

  • kirillzubovskyB
    10 months ago

    My friend Chris calls these “birthing rights.”

    For some products and MVP could be very crappy and you would still use it because it’s novel and solves a problem in an unexpected way, or does something new where trying the product is worth the experience.

    For the rest of the products you have expectations of what they look like and how they work, and if those features are missing, then indeed you will not even consider trying.

    I think this has been the case for a very long time, but now that coding is becoming somewhat obsolete, simple MVPs are dying indeed. No one needs another X for Y. Your product has to be wildly different to still be accepted as an MVP.