Obviously it’d probably depend on how much it got buffed, but let’s assume it’s enough to be reasonable but still make at minimum 5-6 AD champs consider it or have it be their new best keystone

Jhin & Senna are the 1st that come to my mind since they get lots of Bonus AD & their CC is both long range & pretty long duration

Vi & Jarvan could probably use it in more glass-cannon focused builds, but it’d still likely be niche for them

Pantheon might unironically become 1 of the best Glacial Augment users. The slow would do wonders in skirmishes & teamfights whereas PTA (His current main keystone) is mostly single-target, & in some cases, might secure more kills compared to PTA with a stronger slow

Any others yall can think off?

  • Nintega94OPB
    10 months ago

    Meh, even if Conq didn’t exist, Darius already has lots of slows in his kit. I guess W AA>E>AA>Q>AA>W AA would be solid, but eh