As much slack as this game gets, it’s the ONLY game I’ve ever played where my death is 100% my fault. There is nobody else to blame. If I die, I fucked up.

It’s wild coming from Apex where I’m on 400mbs, can load into the St Louis server at 34 ping, one clip somebody with a purple R99 for 125 damage while getting prediction error and no regging 50% of fights. Then I back off from the 1v1 and die through a closed door while 5m around the corner. Then when I go back to the lobby the St Louis server I loaded into was on 234 ping. It’s genuinely insane lol.

  • LiamStylerOPB
    10 months ago

    I’m not saying OW is perfect but I don’t have to worry like in Apex. I don’t go into a 1v1 in OW and pray that my shots register. It’s night and day between the games. That’s not even addressing the amount of times you’ll disconnect from Apex. Apex is 100% a tossup in 1v1’s at higher ELO. It has nothing to do with skill. Every player is hitting their shots. It’s about whose shots are going to register and for how much. It’s insane. You will get no regs every single game. You will get killed around cover every single game. You will get killed through doors every single game. It’s night and day compared to OW. I don’t have to plan my opening engagement around some kid I one clip for 86 damage because half the mag no regged and then pump with a mastiff shot in the chest that makes hit marker sounds but does no damage before I get knocked. I would take OW all day every single day.