I’ve picked up jungle recently and it’s been going great. Silver but being put with plats (classic riot).

However this has been absolutely nasty to play now. If things go well then it’s kinda “meh” and no one really cares. But when things go poorly and you have to make decisions so quickly in so many places and none feel like the right answer. Then people blame you entirely (even if you have someone who’s 0/5 by 15mins) for everything and act like they gave you all the openings in the world despite all being pushed up and never rotating to OBJs. It’s exhausting. To the point I don’t even think I want to play it despite having some of my more favorited champs/styles

P.S: I’ve been told to game end myself in almost every losing game and every problem that has happened has been my fault.

  • beardedalien013B
    10 months ago

    Welcome to our beloved hell. Where it doesn’t matter the outcome of the game, it’s your fault.

    We lost? Our fault. We won? Not because of us.

    We lost every single objective in the game because the enemy bot and mid rotate to secure and ours don’t? Doesn’t matter. Still our fault.

    Mute everyone the chat, but keep the pings up. If someone starts spam pinging you, mute that person. Don’t mute all because there are, in rare cases, a few teammates that are willing to work with you.

    Another advice: play 1v9 carries and try to secure the kills, specially in silver. Nocturne, Warwick are great options because of their simple kit and the ability to easily impact lanes and solo objectives.

    Have fun.

    • LynX_CompleXOPB
      10 months ago

      Yeah I was able to basically spam Briar, WW and lillia to high silver. and the advice of literally mute everyone got my push to gold.

      I’m hoping I see more cooperative players. But the game put me against plats while I was silver 3 and above. And so far all I’ve seen is the higher up I go the angrier they will be lmao

      • beardedalien013B
        10 months ago

        Got to plat and emerald this season. It doesn’t get better. For real.