In the past the 7 foot players were just big unathletic slow and just sat under the rim to get rebounds and dunks. hence the 3 second rule. Now governments are breeding super athletic versatile 7 footers like KD, Wemby, Porzingus, Lebron, Jokic, Embiid, etc. Do you think in the future most players will be closer to 7 feet tall? Everyone under 6 foot is already being phased out. We will never see another Muggsy Bogues or spudd web ever again. Soon everyone around 6 feet tall will be phased out. When everyone is closer to 7 feet tall will they have to raise the rim to 12 feet?

  • AdorableBackground83B
    11 months ago

    Maybe 30 years from now they should design humanoids that are 8 feet tall and run faster than Usain Bolt