As the title says, I just wanted to tell you this, I am so happy.

I was hardstuck plat for 6 years and just climbed to dia - with a solid winrate even.

I am thinking if it is because of the addition of Emerald, some games felt unusually soft. But top 5% was like Plat 2 last season, where games felt hard for me and I kinda inted and never got to dia.

Maybe I just got better… anyone else climbed this season easier than last seasons?

Greetings from Germany :)

  • mikepateOPB
    1 year ago

    Thats a good argument. My build path normally is: Liandry --> Zhonya --> Morello (if they dont have a healer) otherwise: First Morello then Zhonya. It feels much stronger if u play vs Viego/Garen/Darius/Sylas etc… and I am Ok with going Zhonyas last item.

    In teamfights Morgana W triggers Liandry and antiheal on multiple enemies and it just feels so strong. If we have a good frontline I am OK with staying back as Morg and spam my Q/W