So yesterday i received my new 1TB OLED. Went to the shop to pick it up directly form the airport after a trip and was…excited and full of anticipation.

Opened the Box and set everything up…but then…

Nothing…yes, the screen is bigger and more beautiful. but also having a switch oled for the last 2 weeks it wasn’t an “enlightenment”. i don’t know if i expected more but i was humbled. maybe also bc of all the hype…”best display of any handheld gaming device” and so on…

Initial setup worked fine but suddenly it wouldn’t connect to my wifi anymore.

searching online led me to steam support threads full of people having the same problem with the new decks.

i understand when problems arise with a totally new product…but the OLED deck aint such a product. it’s a enhancement of a first gen product that shouldn’t have such fundamental flaws. what are you gonna do with a handheld gaming device that relies on an online library full of games when you can’t even connect to wifi in the first place.

yeah, theres workarounds on manipulating your routers…BUT…its not the router problem, its the decks problem. it’s a fail to say at least.

a disappointed oled (about to) user.

  • alterexegoB
    10 months ago

    You’re not going to get the same image. It’s an OLED screen, there is a huge and noticeable difference between the two. Not even close, considering the LCD quality on the old Deck.