Just looking for any tips or advice that anyone could share. My family (myself, husband, two young children, and a small dog) are looking to do a working year in England from Australia. My husband was born there and we have visited his family there when we can. He has a UK passport and I know our daughters can get one, and I have an EU passport. (All in addition to our Australian passports). I am a teacher so I have reached out to companies to support me and my husband is going to ask his current employer to stay on remotely as others have already done this. We have quotes lined up to bring our dog with us and back so we understand that process and cost. We think we have all the big hurdles worked/planned out but I just wanted to see if others who have done the full relocation or a working stint like us and had any tips or suggestions on easy ways to do things or how to get set up once you’re in the UK. TIA!

  • Katp0w3rOPB
    10 months ago

    That’s amazing! So glad to hear all of that. I imagine it’s going to be a bit of a mess and a total challenge but definitely worth it.