Pretty much explained by the title. What teams do you think are worth watching this season in terms of entertainment value and exciting play style. Likewise which teams do you think are generally boring or not worth the watch.

I realise this is highly subjective but would be interesting to hear people’s reasoning and maybe lead people to check out some teams they wouldn’t otherwise watch.

For me I find the clippers quite boring with how much stagnant iso heavy offense they have. Occasional highlight plays due to the talent but very bland in my opinion. A surpsingly fun team I’ve been finding is the rockets. Young and well coached with really good chemistry between the players.

Look forward to some good discussion!

  • bedchqirOPB
    10 months ago

    I really like OKC this season! Really good defence and really fun transition play. Made me realise how much I’d been sleeping on Shai to be honest, he’s fantastic. Chet is really fun to watch, he and Wenby are like video game builds hahaha

    Spurs share the ball a lot and liked what I’ve seen from them! Sometimes I feel like they miss feeding Wemby on offence but they’re young and I guess that’s part of Pop development strategy

    Need to watch more pacer and magic games by the sounds of things!