wondering if anyone else experiences this…

in the states, I am perceived as foreign, when not in the states I am considered american. in the states, I feel like the culture is to either (1) lean in to being american (which comes with some implications of country, republican, etc) or (2) fight like hell to disassociate with America(ns). trying to figure out why that is.

personally, I have picked number 2. whatever the public perception of American is abroad is not something I want to associate with, but I cannot escape that due to my accent. I don’t really identify with a lot of the american maximalism, ethics, loudness, etc, but cannot seem to effectively communicate that to people who aren’t american.

has anyone else experienced this? I suppose if someone is so eager to put me in a box anyways, they aren’t worth being my friend…

  • Electrical_Apple_313B
    10 months ago

    I was with you until your “PS” because 1) that’s cowardly and stupid and 2) Canadians are not popular these days anywyas