Good morning, my question for this community and hopefully I got the right group is regarding sellers permits. Currently assisting a friend with a tax issue with their small business. They are delinquent with their taxes and state is going to pull their sellers permit if the balance can’t be paid. I’m hopeful I can assist in arranging a loan by the deadline but wanted to know if anyone has had experience with such an issue? Trying to warn them on certain penalties or fines that could happen if they continue to procrastinate. From what I could find it only warns that doing so is a misdemeanor. Currently said from friend lives in Wisconsin. Thanks for any guidance and have a good day.

  • caboose744OPB
    10 months ago

    Thank for very much for the advice on this. I’ll look up a tax lawyer in my area. It’s sales tax too. From what I could gather irs is okay as they slate set up with a payment plan and it’s the state that is requiring alto be paid in full. Thanks again I know ow it was very foolish of this friend to do what they did and am just trying to point in the right direction.