Yeah I know this sub is gonna downvote me into the abyss. But I just notice a ton of folks in this sub keep babying Luka. I saw the thread where Russ scored on him 4 straight possessions and I know he isn’t the world’s greatest defender and I won’t expect him to become an All-NBA level defender, but the amount of of bail y’all kep shooting to him is hilarious.

All this “he’s tired blame Kidd!” “It’s all on the coach for playing him so much”. First of all every Mavs fan wants Luka to lead us to the promised land. And guess what’s required for that. A deep playoff run where a star like Luka is going to exceed 40+ minutes multiple games and fans are saying he’s too tired in a November regular season game (where he’s 24 years old btw, not like he’s 33). As someone mentioned in this sub slow white guys like Dirk and Jokic worked on their conditioning to be at their best and obviously they also weren’t amazing defenders but at least Dirk was consistent and we never had to worry about him not putting in his best effort.

  • K1ngCrimsnB
    10 months ago

    This sub actually shits on Luka whenever he plays bad. Some people here come out & start blaming him for our poor defense, sure he’s not a good defender but THJ, Powell, Kyrie are also very bad & u can’t defend when Kidd runs this 3 guards lineups with Powell at center. Like in yesterday, we lost bcz we were space cold from 3 & got no center