Is not a new OS, and im finding very hard to grasp any stuff in Nix, things about it are very sparse and very fragmented.
Any idiot way to NIX recommendation are very appreciated

  • cfx_4188B
    10 months ago

    After reading the whole thread, I wonder what bonuses all those who talk about “bad documentation” expect from NixOS. There is documentation designed for a certain level of expertise. That is, when developers assume that users will be at the same level of knowledge as they are. It is more accurate to say that the documentation in NixOS is skimpy. Given the multiple ways in which the system is organized, compiling comprehensive documentation would be madness. In our world of visual information consumption, reading is difficult and incomprehensible. But there’s always a way out. There’s Fedora, Pop!OS, Ubuntu after all, users of these systems don’t even realize that these systems have documentation. It’s not clear to me why you should cling to some NixOS while writhing in pain. Why go to any trouble when protondb gets up and running in Ubuntu in two clicks? For example, I realized that NixOS was right for me the day I installed it for the first time. But in my opinion, most people only moved to NixOS because it became more talked about. …I really like the style of answers in FreeBSD sub . When a person asks a pıdnʇs question, they are simply given a link to the handbook. By the way, the FreeBSD Handbook is interesting to read only because you can familiarize yourself with the super ancient and super archaic phenomena of the Unix-like world, but the information there is also very sketchy.