I am investing in a coffee shop with my partner who has worked in the industry but never been an entrepreneur.

I have a few questions:

  1. Please scrutinize the budget to eyeball any figures that seem unrealistic

  2. Please advise on what employee costs exist ontop of salary.

  3. Please advise on what coffee making equipment is required beyond a coffee machine.

    1. I have been told I need the following, is all of this required or can 1 machine do it all?
      Espresso machine, grinder, puq press, pump, accumulation tank, pitcher rinser.
      Batch grinder, batch coffee maker.
  4. How should we budget/set up the food section of our menu

|Rent|650 | |:-|:-| |Electricity|1,000 | |Coffee Machine Rent|250 | |Coffee Beans|400 | |Cups & Utilities|100 | |Employee Salary|4,000 | |Milk|600 | |Social Media Marketing/monthly |100 | |Total|7100|

Breakeven Analysis

Yearly Total Running Costs 85,200

Total adjusted for Taxes at 20% 102,040

Monthly Expenses 8,500

Per day Expenses in GBP 279.560

Avg Coffee Required to be sold ($3/coffee) 93.00


Coffee Machine is to be leased at 250GBP/monthly with the option of purchase in the end

Central Location- City center main road- 3 schools in area + commercial real estate offices

Local Area population - 30,000 residents (relatively wealthy neighborhood)

Local Competition- 1 Cafeteria nearby, 1 Subway nearby, 1 Sandwich shop nearby

The attached budget is for two employees.
Rent is fixed.