This show is #1 right now in US on Amazon Prime. I’ve tried to get into it but I feel like maybe I am missing something. The animation is janky as heck. The overall plot seems coherent but the episodic plots are very hit or miss. There have been a few decent interactions but so much of it just seems so awkward, like the voice actors were never in the same room, or didn’t really understand the context of the dialogue they were delivering. The back and forth between Mark and Amber is so wooden. Amber’s voice actor at least makes her sound genuine but all Marks’ responses are so flat. It was sort of funny at first but since they seem to making the relationship a significant portion of the first season it has just gotten tedious. That episode about Mars and protecting the astronauts was so incredibly bad. Not so bad it was good either, just bad. Thus, I ask to those who are making this show the #1 stream on Amazon is there some back story, or companion comic that makes this all make more sense? If not, what is grabbing y’all about the show? Not trying to troll, genuine inquiry.

  • Long-Education-7748OPB
    10 months ago

    Well, thanks for all the feedback. I made it through ep7, I think, of s1. Not sure if I’ll take it any further, but it was cool hearing everybody’s take.