What was the best story you can tell as a bills fan? Don’t matter how long you are as a fan just tell a fun moment or something that made you appreciate you being a bills fan. For me it was when the bills made the playoffs, that made be tear up man.

  • LongDuckDongneedfoodB
    11 months ago

    Winter of 90. First family vacation ever to Disney in Florida. Out shopping one day and the most glorious all white Starter jacket with a giant blue Buffalo Bills logo covering the back catches my eye. Beg my parents to buy it for me. Say it’s fate that we found it in Florida(cause fuck the Dolphins). Parents give in. Wear jacket for 3 straight days in the Florida heat. Sitting in the plane on the way back when a stewardess comes up and asks my Mom if I can go with her because the pilot has requested my presence. Get into cockpit and the pilot says he saw my jacket when we were boarding and wanted to show me the front of the plane because he loves the Bills. Shows me everything in the cockpit while we talk about my favourite players and why we love the Bills so much. Never prouder to be a Bills fan. Still miss the jacket. Go Bills!!!