Finished this baby 6 days ago and thought i should give an update along with my other questions. Special thanks to u/original_user for pointing out my mistake (which i thought i didn’t make) and u/AL-H for further answering my question

second version of the panel

The build is still a WIP cause i’m using a very unconventional led strip to temporarily lit up the case. I’m ordering the correct type of led strips so they should arrive in a few days. Screen is still powered by the lcd psu as i don’t have a multimeter and a soldering iron yet (they are on the way home too).

On to the questions, i’m trying to power the screen via my PC psu. Which cables should i cut and keep? I don’t have a multimeter yet but luckily the cables are color-coded. However, i can’t seem to figure out what every wire does. Can someone help me?

psu cables (color-coded)

So, i’m assuming i just have to solder/connect 2 black wires (GRD) and 2 red wires (5v) to my psu molex connector (will probably need an adapter cable?) and it should boot right up?

Appreciate any help!

  • SaladbetchOPB
    10 months ago

    its still on floor as i dont have a proper table yet 🤣