What are some of your takes so far? Any surprising or disappointing teams this season? Unexpected stars? Future takes for the rest of the season?

Here are some of mine:

  1. The Thunder are the most surprising team so far, and moght be genuine contenders. Chet will win ROTY

  2. If the Rockets make 8 seed and keep up a top 5 defense, Udoka is a lock for COTY

  3. I think the Clippers will combust and might scrape 10 seed with how good the West is

LMK some of yours

  • WhiskeybarrelB
    10 months ago

    My take - any Spurs fans complaining about this season and calling for Pop to be fired aren’t true fans and can go support some other team.

    You know our motto is pound the rock, right? This is going to take time - years maybe. They’re the youngest team in the league and they are battling hard - I’ve seen every game and this is a team that gives their all. There’s real cameraderie and talent there, just going to need time to figure out what we’ve got and how it fits together. I love watching them despite the blowouts.

    We’ve got our generational superstar in the making ( who, despite what you might read here, is everything I hoped for and more ) . Sure, everyone’s getting their hits in on us right now but they’ll regret it when we’re back winning titles.