Despite the Hawks being on coach #3 of the Trae Young era, it’s seemingly more of the same mediocrity they’ve had in recent years. Currently the Hawks have the #2 offense in the league but also the #24 defense and an 8-8 record.

  • HedgeyB
    10 months ago

    Imagine writing this out thinking you’ve created some form of discussion of value…

    Homie, the team hasn’t really changed outside of the last 3 years. We dumped Huerter before last season, and this year we dumped Collins. We have the same basic “core” of Trae, Capella, and Hunter, and we added Murray last season, and now JJ is getting playing time (before wrist injury)

    Our defense on PoA is statistically the worst in a LONG time. New system, guys still overhelping, it’s a recipe for bad games at times. It seems like our goal this year is to just try and outscore everyone.

    But this is a stupid post either way because this is the first coach that Trae has actually said has the BBIQ and has really started to unleash his potential the last 8 games or so.