I get it - watching us skid through losses after the Wemby hype leaves a pit in my stomach too. But as the losses continue, there have been more calls for Pop’s resignation online lately. That doesn’t make much sense to me.

The fact is that today’s Spurs players are extremely green. They make a lot of unforced errors and take bad shots. Crafting that raw material into a well functioning team takes a lot of time and effort, and I can’t imagine another coach doing better than Pop considering what he’s working with.

If we ignore that Pop is the winningest NBA coach of all time with five championships under his belt, who else do you think would do a better job coaching the Spurs this season? And what do you think they would do that Pop isn’t doing?

  • bobbdac7894B
    10 months ago

    Someone who actually has a passion for the game. Pop has lost his passion since the mid 2010’s. He doesn’t care about basketball anymore. He literally says so during interviews. You guys think he’s joking, yes but it’s probably half the truth too.

    • siphillisB
      10 months ago

      So by that logic, we should be replacing Pop with Jim Boylan.