As a low masters player I would say that my skill level and game knowledge are up there. I am an ADC (ex MID) main, peaked at 500 lp. Getting autofilled sucks since you’re not playing your intended role, but getting autofilled toplane imo feels absolutely horrible. When autofilled in any other role it never feels like you’re doomed no matter what, you can always do something to comeback and mistakes don’t usually cost you as much. The enemy never has a chance to hold you on a leash so to say.

Toplane is a different story. Toplaners tend to abuse every single possible thing to get you not to play the game. With the nature of the lane counterpicking is a huge factor in how it will go. It is completely out of your hands, there is a 50% chance every time that you have to pick blind and open yourself up to getting counterpicked. Toplaners tend to abuse that fact, and why wouldn’t they take an advantage if they could. With how isolated you are in the lane and how far the turrets are this can end up winning them the lane alone. Secondly, in my experience, top champs tend to have more damage and are able to bully you even with a slight advantage (an exp lvl, a long sword, etc.). Trying to unfreeze a wave/ get a few minions/ trade slightly can quickly end up in you getting 100-0. Considering how cheesy toplane player can be, this can make up for a frustrating experience. I don’t even want to mention jungle ganks and how easily that can offset the lane.

So the only thing you can do is play safe, pick a champion that is good blind, wait under/close to your tower, cs and pray to god that your team wins in other lanes. This leads to you basically not playing the game for 15-20 minutes and that point I just ask myself why I’m even here in the first place. I never feel like this being autofilled in any other lane, even jungle.

TLDR: Getting autofilled top in “higher” elo is a snoozefest unless you want to give the enemy an advantage.

  • DidgmanB
    11 months ago

    Toplane is a trainwreck and has been for a very long time. It’s the one lane where you win/lose lane in champ select. It’s so bad