Not her crying to her friends while this man is sat next to her in the car. My jaw was on the floor I have never seen something so blatantly disrespectful. What goes through her head thinking this is a good look? For someone so spiritual and witchy she’s really showing her crazy. Like either you really don’t care about this man’s feelings or you are so desperate for emotional regulation you have to call them that fast??? Either way, straight to jail…maybe you SHOULDNT be drinking coffee if youre having panic attacks and are so quick to get hot? Not unicorn behavior… bye

Someone explain like I’m a child how a grown ass woman behaves this way?

  • OneBag962B
    10 months ago

    Agreed. This was just a facile thought I had watching this episode: Ashley HAS to be a Leo, right? That’s the only explanation I can see right now.

    • Im-Savage-DoeOPB
      10 months ago

      I saw somewhere her bday is February…she has to be an Aquarius bc idk what Pisces has that much anger lol

      I also just saw her ig 🤮 starseed like can u be any more basic bruh