What are some of your takes so far? Any surprising or disappointing teams this season? Unexpected stars? Future takes for the rest of the season?

Here are some of mine:

  1. The Thunder are the most surprising team so far, and moght be genuine contenders. Chet will win ROTY

  2. If the Rockets make 8 seed and keep up a top 5 defense, Udoka is a lock for COTY

  3. I think the Clippers will combust and might scrape 10 seed with how good the West is

LMK some of yours

  • Slim-TicketB
    10 months ago

    If the Rockets make 8 seed and keep up a top 5 defense, Udoka is a lock for COTY

    Maybe I’m biased but if the Wolves remain a top 3 seed, top 3 defense and the bigs continue to work, I think Chris Finch should be in the convo too. Especially because many people didn’t understand how Rudy and KAT would work and were adamant that the Wolves made one of the dumbest decisions in NBA history trying to pair the two. If Finch proves everyone wrong then I’d think that’s COTY-worthy.