I come from the Final Fantasy 14 community, I’m a big PvP enjoyer and recently Square Enix hás attempted making a PvP mode tournament similar to big League tournaments. It was, in my opinion, a failure, because the community and fans barely paid attention to the games and you won’t find one person who remembers the name of the winning team. I would like it for the game to make it into the e-sports scene, but it doesn’t seem possible anytine soon

In your opinion, what makes a game e-sports worthy?

  • alexnedeaB
    1 year ago
    1. Needs to be watchable and fairly easy to understand. A complete boomer noob should understand the macro of it all. “Huh looks like the blue team killed the enemy guy in the middle”.

    2. The pros need to play the same exact game with the same rules as the rest of us. Kids dream of being the next faker start grinding lol and never escape the addiction.

    3. Advertisement and hype material for the pros. Both the community and devs can do this but the devs should do high quality stuff id they do. Cinematics, music videos, minigames, whatever. Not just boring “watch the international ads”. Hype it the fuck up. Do a kick ass cinematic about last year winners or something.