I know there are a lot of soyboy supports in this sub, so I’m going to mansplain to you what will happen when you’re late. In the offlane, your pos3 is going to be bullied off the lane and lose 90% of his hp, or dies. He will lose the wave exp and give extra exp to enemy if he dies all the while you were walking back to the lane. He will have 0 exp and so do you and the enemy is already close to lvl 2. You could win that lane, or draw, or slightly lose it, but now you will lose the lane hard. In the safelane, your pos1 will be denied the ranged creep, and possibly a couple of more creeps and get harrased hard. This is the point when he will never be healthy enough or in an item or exp advantage to help you in trading and actually killing the enemies (OMG it was your fault he was passive all these years.). The enemy support can find time to deward the camp without competition and pull which can be disastrous if you have a carry like Luna or Drow. Okay I’m gonna stop explaining and convince myself you will understand anything. I’ve seen how you cast spells in my games to know better. Just tp back to lane noob.

  • BeefRamenGuruB
    10 months ago

    Maybe you should play support, you seem to know how to play it well