I’m new to Nix as a whole and am giving NixOS a try at the moment.

I have a pretty extensive Emacs and Neovim Configuration that i’d like to somehow include with my nix configuration. Both configs are currently in a gitlab repo. For Emacs i could just put the whole init.el in a module, but i’d prefer to keep the config in it’s own repository, as i also use it in different places. With Neovim the config is currently split across 15 or so files, and i’m not too keen on rewriting this entirely.

So, can i just tell nix to clone those two repos to ~/.config/emacs and ~/.config/nvim and keep those in their own repositories? Another idea would be to include them as submodules in my nix-configuration repo and symlink them. I’m not sure what the “correct” or least effort option here is.

  • ZunoJB
    10 months ago

    I’m currently searching for a solution to this problem, too. Biggest problem to me was so far that the folders Nix creates are immutable, so I can’t edit my config anymore. Also Mason does not seem to work properly