Nice to see the Lakers get a dub despite a bad game from LeBron. He shot only 8-23 from the field, 1-9 from 3, and sadly, he was due for a bad shooting game at some point. His 3 point shooting has improved compared to earlier in his career, but he’s still streaky. But AD stepped up with 32, 13, and 3 blocks. It’s nice to see the team win even with the King not playing his best. The role players that were available contributed (Reaves, Wood, Christe, and Hayes) even with Reddish and Rui out. I wish the defense was better earlier in the game, but they seemed to clamp down in the 2nd half.

  • ValuableAssociate8B
    10 months ago

    Didn’t like what I saw from Lebron last game. He was taking a lot of unnecessarily difficult 3s. Especially in crunch time.

    Glad everyone else stepped up.