I’m not even mad they wanted to make more money, despite the fact they were making millions on loot crates a month, I’ll pay a sub fee to have ow1 back. I remember really early on when they got rid of the defense class I got worried then because that only left DPS, tank, and support, then the reworks started. Not all reworks were bad but the majority eliminated more defensive play and “encouraged”(forced) more aggressive play. Sure some people saw that as good since there was more action but really it just started the devolution to what we see now. Overwatch 2 is TDM, thats all it is, me and my friends used to make fun of people who focused on nothing but kills but now that’s what it is. Yes you used to fight over an objective previously but it was an actual fight, You would go back and forth. Now if you aren’t winning every kill your team is losing, which isn’t what I signed up for way back when. I mean for God’s sake they try to justify a change of the most aggressive DPS in the entire game, doomfist, into a TANK? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Shields are basically non-existent because that would encourage “sit and hold” defensive gameplay. It honestly makes me sad because I truly loved this game, The characters, The lore, The gameplay, Hell even the people weren’t that bad, I would run into more friendly people than unfriendly. Now I feel like I might as well play cod.