I have a bit of concern about trying to fix what isn’t broken right now, but putting WCJ back in for Goga, and Fultz in for AB has to make us another step better, right?

I get the Rafer/Jameer comparison, but both those guys are substantial talent upgrades in this case. Even if Fultz only replaced the ~15 or so minutes AB has been getting, those would be 15 better minutes, almost guaranteed. I’d be a little sadder to see Goga fall out of the rotation, but so it goes. WCJ has, at times in the past, looked like our best player (not that I expect to say that ever again now).

One other thing I wouldn’t mind seeing right now is Chuma getting those handful of minutes here and there that have been going to Houstan. I feel like Chuma is probably on the way out regardless, maybe sooner rather than later, but he still seems like a much more fluid player than Houstan right now.

  • GeraltFromHiShinUnitB
    10 months ago

    Imo wendell aint blossoming as a center. Might use him in the second unit as a power forward with cole and mo while Goga is the starting center