Hey guys. I was diagnosed with BPD(Borderline Personality Disorder) in 7th grade. I am now 18 and I have found myself rewatching the show.

While watching with my boyfriend I have found myself crying various times or just feeling bad for Bojack. When he asked how I could sympathize with him I told him I just get it.

Now I would like to say I am no where NEAR as bad as Bojack but I found certain things he did relatable. I.e the reckless sex, manipulation on Diane, using PC and hating Mr.Peanut Butter cause he is happy. Now I have grown a lot through years of therapy but I never realized how much I acted like him before that.

Like that one seen at the end of season one where Bojack speaks at the ghost writers meeting begging Diane to say he was a good person. I had to turn off my tv because I’ve done that to multiple people. Or when he went on that bender with Sarah even though she clearly is troubled. I did that with an old friend my freshman year and we drove drunk and high and snuck out a lot. I could have gotten her killed but I didn’t care cause I wanted drugs.

I don’t know why I am writing this or what I am expecting but I just realized how GOOD this show is and yet so fucked up.